While you are at work, running errands, or simply shopping for the day...why not let your pooch have an outing too... Let them spend the DAY at furr Kingdom!!!
Relieves separation anxiety, boredom, and destructive behavior at home
Provides regular excercise to promote and maintain a healthy weight
Enhances quality of life
Great for those who get along better with humans than other dogs
Great for senior pets
Great for senior pet Day Stayers in boarding arrive and enjoy breakfast and private time in their cottage. They enjoy numerous walks and plenty of one-on-one time playing, cuddling or just hanging out with staff.
See our list of Royal Treatment Add On Services.
We require that all dogs be current on the following vaccinations. Vaccinations must be administered no later than 5 days before staying with us.
RABIES: 1 or 3 yr vaccine BORDATELLA: 6 mo or 1 yr DHPP: 1 or 3 yr vaccine
Full Day $34.00
Half Day $29.00